quarta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2015

Os 5 Gatos XII (La 5 Katoj XII)

400 peças cortadas. 

Ainda falta metade do painel de base para ser cortado. O trabalho de corte é demorado porque são necessárias atenção e precisão. Uma distração pode botar a perder horas de trabalho e os consertos certamente são muito mais demorados. 


Enquanto o quebra-cabeça é cortado, os pedacinhos de papel rascunho que eu descarto no chão após o corte não são varridos até que todo o trabalho esteja acabado e o quebra-cabeça montado. Isso porque quero ter certeza de que nenhuma peça foi perdida. 

Manufacture a Jigsaw Puzzle ~ 12

For today’s article, our Artist/Puzzle Manufacturer, Antônia is well into the depths of cutting the pieces. It seems to be very long and tense work when cutting a puzzle to this accuracy. There are more photos here but none are giving away the secret of the finished product…..so we wait in patiently as most patient puzzlers do ….let’s see what’s here……

Dear Readers,
The cutting continues with 400 cut pieces now.

Half of the base panel still has to be cut. The cutting work is time consuming because attention and accuracy are necessary skills. Any distraction can spoil hours of work and repairs are certainly harder to make.

While the puzzle is being cut, I throw the protecting paper’s remains on the ground and I don’t sweep them until the work is finished and the jigsaw puzzle assembled.
I do this because I want to make sure that no piece gets lost.

We are getting closer to the finish but there is more work do be done.

Yes there is more work to be done and we look forward to seeing what she has ready for us in the next article…..Thanks again Antônia.
Linda Richard, Admin
- See more at: http://www.jigsawpuzzleconnections.com/manufacture-jigsaw-puzzle-12/#sthash.Df6trNx0.dpu 

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