quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2015

Os 5 Gatos II (La 5 Katoj II)

Não sei se isso se dá com todo mundo que trabalha com criação, mas quando entro numa nuvem de ideias, surgem muitas opções; é incontrolável! 

Ao mesmo tempo que começava a traçar e executar as primeiras formas do novo quebra-cabeça, outras formas apareceram e, passados alguns dias, tive que ser determinada para brecar a bola de neve de ideias e mergulhar naquela inicial, deixando as outras opções para futuros trabalhos.

A partir de então, o novo quebra-cabeça começou a tomar forma.

De repente...

...gatos chegaram para fazer parte do trabalho. A princípio 2, depois mais 1 e por último outros 2 completaram o grupo de 5.

Como é próprio dos gatos em geral, silenciosos eles acabaram por se esconder, até mesmo se camuflar no mar de formas quadradas e linhas coloridas.

Manufacture a Jigsaw Puzzle – 2
Posted On : January 13th, 2015 | Updated On : January 13th, 2015
Today, our artist Antônia Sobral from Silvianópolis Brazil is going to share her creative inside like I have never noted before. I am impressed at how she can express her thought pattern as the “artwork’ forms it’s image…..let’s read her story now….

Dear Readers,
I don’t know if it happens with everyone that works with creations, but every time I get into a cloud of ideas, a lot of options come up – it is uncontrollable!
At the same time I’ve started to scribble and trace the first forms of the new puzzle, different forms have showed up and, after a few days, I’ve got to determine myself and stop the ideas’ snowball, to dive back into the initial idea, leaving behind other ideas for future artworks.

At that moment, the new puzzle began to take form.

…cats came to be part of the artwork. At first, two. Then one more, and finally two more that completed the group of 5.

As is typical of cats, they hid up silently, camouflaging themselves in the colorful lines’ sea.
Antônia Sobral
Puzzle Craft
(use Google Translation)

See what I mean about how her creative mind works….interesting indeed. Stay tuned for the next article as the painting  begins…..so fun……

Linda Richard, Admin

- See more at: http://www.jigsawpuzzleconnections.com/manufacture-jigsaw-puzzle-2/#sthash.qWUsB4dX.dpuf

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