Chegou o momento mais aguardado. Só entende essa
agradável expectativa para montar um quebra-cabeça quem gosta desse jogo. É
como abrir um capítulo novo na rotina diária.
Como sempre, comecei separando as peças das bordas, ou
seja, aquelas com 1 ou 2 faces retas. Resolvi separar também as peças cujo papelão
de fundo era mais escuro, com o qual foram feitos 4 dos 6 quadrados.
Em seguida, separei as peças de canto, pois são várias,
já que este quebra-cabeça é composto por 6 quadrados pequenos além do painel de
base. E depois, organizei as outras peças de borda conforme alguns formatos.
Hummm... logo percebi que tinha uma tarefa difícil pela frente, já que a
pintura é abstrata e todas as cores estão em todos os lugares, dificultando o
agrupamento por imagem ou cor.
Com elas fiz as bordas dos quadrados pequenos e do painel
de base.
As peças escuras foram organizadas pelos formatos e com
elas preenchi grande parte dos 4 quadrados.

Muito bem! A primeira parte foi feita.
Agora eu tenho na minha frente um mar de pecinhas
multicoloridas organizadas pelo formato e 3 superfícies para montar.
Manufacture a Jigsaw Puzzle ~ 15
Here we are at Day 15 and our Artist Antônia is now sharing the wondering photos of assembling the 1005 pieces together….wait till you see these…..
Dear Readers,
And the long awaited moment has arrived. Only those who really like puzzles can understand the eager anticipation of assembling one. It`s a nice break in our daily routine.
As always, I started selecting the edge pieces, that is, those with 1 or 2 straight sides. I also sorted out the pieces which were cut from a darker cardboard and, therefore, whose back was darker.
As this puzzle is composed of 6 small squares on a base panel and I knew that the darker cardboard was the basis of 4 of those 6 squares, that gave me a good head start. Then I picked out the corner pieces because, having 6 squares, there would be many of those. After that, I sorted the other edge pieces according to their specific shapes, number of tabs or blanks. Hmmm… I soon realized what a difficult task lay ahead of me, as the picture is abstract and all the colors are everywhere, making it difficult to group the pieces by color or picture.
With the first selected pieces, I worked on the edges of the small squares and the edges of the base panel. -
The pieces with darker backs were reorganized by shape and with those I compiled a great deal of the inner area of the 4 squares.
Very well! The first part was done.
Now there lies in front of me a sea of multicolored little pieces, also grouped by shape and 3 surfaces to work on.
Carry on!
Now next week we will continue on putting the pieces in place to complete this jigsaw puzzle…..
Well? What do you think? Looking pretty good isn’t it….SO colourful and pretty…..I want one too….We carry on with more next week. This has been a very interesting and fun. There has been so much work put into this project. I am so impressed and pleased to be part of this journey with Antônia.
Linda Richard, Amin
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