sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2015

Os 5 Gatos XIV (La 5 Katoj XIV)

Cortando, cortando….

…700 peças…

…e 1005! Terminei!

Agora vem a melhor parte! Certamente a que todos os amantes de quebra-cabeças mais aguardavam: a MONTAGEM!

Peças na mesa! Aqui vou eu!

Manufacture a Jigsaw Puzzle ~ 14

Today Article 14 will complete the cutting phase of the jigsaw puzzle by our Artist Antônia as she gets close to the end of manufacturing her puzzle… many pieces did she cut you ask????….
Dear Readers,
Cuttings, cuttings……700 pieces…

…and 1005! I’m done!
Now the best part begins! Certainly the part that all jigsaw puzzle lovers awaits: the MOUNTING STEP! Pieces on the table! Here I go……

Next article will show the work in progress of putting the manufactured puzzle together with many photos too.

On my goodness….after days of accurate cutting over 1,000 pieces I am so impressed with the determination of the Artist to create her piece of work that will be in our world forever. And now I am totally stoked to see the next article with the photos……so exciting…..
Linda Richard, Admin
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2 comentários:

  1. Pois é, dizem que o ser humano complica porque gosta... Estava tudo perfeito demais para deixar quieto...
