quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2015

Os 5 Gatos I (La 5 Katoj I)

A partir de hoje, vocês, caros leitores, estão convidados a acompanhar a fabricação de um quebra-cabeça artesanal, passo a passo. Gostei muito da experiência que tive com o trabalho anterior (ver "O vôo do beija-flor" e "A solução final") que acabou por criar vida própria.

Pensando nisso, outro dia após o jantar, várias ideias começaram a surgir e, rapidamente peguei papel rascunho, tesoura, lápis e borracha. Nascia um novo trabalho. 

Passei alguns dias aprimorando a ideia inicial, recortando, rabiscando, pintando... e tenho a impressão de que até o momento da execução final a obra ainda estará se transformando.

Manufacturing a Jigsaw Puzzle
Posted On : January 12th, 2015 | Updated On : January 12th, 2015
Occasionally I have the opportunity to meet with a new Group member from anywhere in the world who is willing to share a little more about their jigsaw puzzle passions……Antônia Sobral from Silvianópolis Brazil is one such person. I have been watching her blog titled Puzzle Craft as she writes about her puzzle creations. (I use Google Translation)
Now she is willing to share with us her newest creation as she starts with the very first steps of the actual artwork until the jigsaw puzzle is completed fully.
She will share the steps she has taken to manufacture a completed jigsaw puzzle along with many photos and videos.
Lets follow along with Antônia as she takes us on her journey of producing her jigsaw puzzle…..this is gonna be good!!! Here she goes……

Dear Readers,
From now on, you are invited to follow the manufacture of a jigsaw puzzle, step by step. I really liked the experience of the last artwork (see manfaritapuzlo.blogspot.com.br), when the puzzle has created its own life with the flying hummingbird.
I was thinking about it, when one given day after dinner, several ideas started to come up and, promptly, I’ve taken a piece of paper, scissor, a pencil and eraser. It was a new artwork’s birth.

- See more at: http://www.jigsawpuzzleconnections.com/manufacture-jigsaw-puzzle/#sthash.h6MP2wxz.dpuf

After a few days improving the new idea, cutting, scribbling, painting… I feel that it will be changing itself until the end of the artwork. - See more at: http://www.jigsawpuzzleconnections.com/manufacture-jigsaw-puzzle/#sthash.h6MP2wxz.dpuf

There’s a lot more coming in this puzzle manufacturing. Stayed tuned for the next article in this series.
Linda Richard, Admin
- See more at: http://www.jigsawpuzzleconnections.com/manufacture-jigsaw-puzzle/#sthash.h6MP2wxz.dpuf

2 comentários:

  1. Se vc não tiver formação em arquitetura, além de alguns vários outros talentos, DESISTA DE CRIAR QC COMO A ANTÔNIA.

  2. Ahaha! Você sempre encontra um jeito divertido para incentivar! Obrigada sempre, Lilia!
