Resolvi procurar as peças dos quadrados pequenos, para já
tirá-los de sobre a mesa da montagem. Não foi difícil preenche-los e logo pude
me dedicar ao painel de base.
Aos poucos fui me acostumando com o tipo de desafio e
consegui separar algumas peças em grupos de cores, como por exemplo, as peças
que continham qualquer traço de amarelo e assim fui criando pequenas montagens.
Isso já se haviam passado 4 dias desde o início da
montagem. Acompanhem o progresso a partir daí:
5° dia:
6° dia:
7° dia:
Última peça e terminei!
Ah! Os gatos? Vou mostra-los a vocês.
Manufacture a Jigsaw Puzzle ~ 16
So Day 16 with only one more Article left from Antônia after this one. She is working to put the 1005 manufactured jigsaw puzzle pieces together and has sent us numerous progress photos for viewing…’s such a lovely puzzle too…..check it out…..
Dear Readers,
I decided to look for the missing inner pieces of the small squares first so that I could take those squares off the mounting table. It was not too difficult to compile them and soon I could focus my full attention on the base panel.
Gradually I got used to that challenge and color became more meaningful in the process. If in the beginning I saw every color everywhere, later I became aware of subtle differences. And then soon my sorting of pieces became more refined, such as “pieces that contain a trace of yellow”. This enabled me to assemble several small chunks of the puzzle.
Four days had gone by since I had started. Follow the work in progress:
Day 5:
Day 6
Day 7
Last piece and it was done!
The cats? I’ll show them to you! And the final results in a movie will display the outcome to be unexpected.
Now we have one final Article to present tomorrow and a fantastic movie that will surprise you. You will see how all this will work will become a showplace for this unique design.
It is not what you might have expected but you will be thrilled to see the results.
Linda Richard, Admin
- See more at:
Este quebra-cabeça é incrível!! Parabéns!
ResponderExcluirjá estava achando que necas de gatos... Ia processá-la, Antônia, por propaganda enganosa...
ResponderExcluirCalma! É tudo verdade, juro!