segunda-feira, 27 de março de 2017

Galo de Fogo 2 (FajroKoko) (Fire Rooster)

As formas do galo flamenjante possibilitaram várias sobreposições e camadas de peças. Ao mesmo tempo fez com que os contornos ficassem bem complexos na hora da execução. Bem... também complexo para montar, difícil e maravilhosamente atraente aos amantes de quebra-cabeças desafiadores.

La formoj de la flamanta koko ebligis diversajn interkruciĝojn kaj pecotavolojn. Aliflanke igis la konturojn kompleksaj dum la farado. Nu... same kompleksa la muntado, malfacila kaj rave alloga por la amantoj de defiaj puzloj.

The shapes of the flaming rooster allowed several overlaps and layers of pieces. At the same time, they made the edges rather complex to cut around. Well... also complex to put together, tricky and wonderfully attractive for challenging puzzle lovers.





E várias “rampinhas” auxiliares, que ficarão escondidas sob as partes principais, possibilitando um suave sobe e desce das sobreposições:

Kaj kelkaj “helpdeklivoj”, kiuj restos kaŝitaj sub la ĉefaj partoj kaj ebligas mildan supr- malsupreniradon.

And several "auxiliary ramps" hidden under the main parts, providing a gentle rise and fall for the overlaps:

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Next post: the video.

Papoula Lucana O mais novo quebra-cabeças que minha irmã Antônia Sobral criou! e um dos mais lindos... 

Papoula Lucana É o mais lindo dos que vc já fez!    

Antônia Sobral 😁

Linda Richard This is soooo beautiful Antônia I  it ......Superb project 💛💙💜💚
ŜatiRespondi1 horo
Antônia Sobral I'm very happy you liked it, Linda!
Linda Richard Antônia I just  it !!!!   
Edna Mefford Oh my goodness this is a truly gorgeous shape puzzle, perfect name for it Fire Rooster
Edna Mefford It is a most fantastic shape puzzle, love it.
Linda Richard Antônia has created several of these puzzles Edna and ALL are done by hand from the very beginning of designing to painting to cutting...she is highly skilled 
Antônia Sobral Thaks, thanks, Linda and Edna

Edna Mefford Linda Richard Is it a wood one ?
Linda Richard Edna let's ask Antônia because I do not want to get it wrong....what type of material are you using for your puzzles Antônia please? 
Ne plu ŝatiRespondi17 horoj
Antônia Sobral Hello, Edna Mefford and Linda! My puzzles are made of hard cardboard, like the puzzles we buy in the stores. The paintings are done in acrylic paint or chalk pastels on Schoeller paper, then sprayed with a thin layer of varnish, . The Schoeller paper is glued on the cardboard. Once the painting process is done, I start cutting the pieces.
ŜatiRespondi11 horo
Linda Richard Antônia That explains it perfectly. I knew it was more than cardboard which is why I did not want to give the wrong answer.....thanks very much and I keep looking forward to your next creation 
Ne plu ŝatiRespondi11 horo
Edna Mefford Antônia Sobral So talented, we all have different talents but yours so innovative, 
Linda Richard Edna I agree, I am always impressed with her artwork and puzzles....astounding comes to my mind 
Antônia Sobral I'm glad you liked it, Edna and Linda. Thank you very much!
Mark Stelzner Wow!!!

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